
Agenda Day 1, October 14th, 2021:   (see Agenda Day 2)     (back to Merger Integration Event Summary)

(time zone used is Central European Time)

09.00 – Opening Remarks from the Chair

Gabe Langerak, Western Europe M&A Leader, Willis Towers Watson

09.15 – How Internal Stakeholders Work Together to Successful Complete a Divestment

·        Collaborations internally between key stakeholders to make a divestment happen

·        How does it all come together?  What are the critical steps and pressure points?

·        How do all the stakeholders interact? (corporate development, HR, finance)

Andrea van Duijse, VP HR Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestments, Shell

Mark Gallagher, General Manager Portfolio Integration, Shell

10.00 – M&A Integration Leaders(hip) – Assessing and Managing Leadership Behaviours that Enable your Transaction’s Success


Angel Hoover, Managing Director and Head of Benelux, Willis Towers Watson


10.45 – Coffee and Networking


11.15 – Accelerating Inorganic Growth: Challenges and Opportunities for Mid-Sized Organisations

The session will provide concrete examples of good practice in:

·        Knowing when to start building internal capabilities and relying less on external support

·        Standardising your approach…but not too much!

·        Breaking down emerging organisational silos and barriers

·        Helping your organisation build scale and resilience while maximising the benefits of new acquisitions

·        Other options for you to drive inorganic growth

·        Adjusting your organisational culture as your business grows

Carlos Keener, Managing Partner, Beyond the Deal (BTD)


12.00 – Merger or Separation – Digital IMO/SMO as a Key Success Factor for Getting Things Done in Time and Budget


Dr. Christoph Kollatz, Strategic Advisor, Evolutionizer


12.45 – PMI Performance Tracking and Our M&A Deal and Integration Process


Christiane van der Wateren, Senior Director Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestments, Philips


13.30 - Lunch Break


14.30 - Lessons Learned from Both Sides of the Table


Lori Vokes, COO, Rest Less UK Former Senior Director, M&A, Cisco

15.15 – Serial Acquirer Best Practices 

·        Overview of the unique characteristics of a serial acquirer’s M&A operating model and capabilities

·        How serial acquirers keep flexibility in their integration approaches

·        How they accept different cultures within the company (or how they incubate them)

·        Speed of integration versus speed of technological evolution

·        Can we keep up with employees’ capacity to adopt to change

Philip Johnson, Mergers, Acquisition & Divestiture Leader EMEA, IBM 

16.00 - Afternoon Coffee and Networking


16.45 - Challenges in Integrating Mid Market Businesses into Multinationals

·        How to approach your acquisition goals and ensure the right operating model

·        Why cultural fit is key

·        When to decline a deal

·        How to define the right speed and method

Matthias Homann, VP Post-Merger-Integrations, Global Sales Operations – Business Growth Initiatives, SAP


17.30 - Reverse Integrations – Adapting to the Target

·        Challenges of reverse integrations

·        Organisation design and integration preparation as an enabler

·        2 different cases studies of recent reverse integration approach (simple vs preservation)

·        PMI Framework proposal

Julien Marmugi, Managing Director, Solarplaza Academy


18.15 – Closing Remarks from the Chair and End of Day 1

Drinks Reception

19.15 - Dinner

 (see agenda Day 2)     (back to Merger Event Summary)