Agenda Day 1, Wednesday, April 9, 2025:   (see Agenda Day 2)     (back to GRC EMEA Event Summary)

08.30 – Registration and Coffee

09.00 – Opening Remarks from the Chair

09.20 – Setting up a Governance, Risk and Compliance Function in a Complex Business

·        Dealing with a decentralized structure:   several disparate systems/datasets

·        GRC at the HQ level versus the local level: bridge the gap

·        How we bring GRC to the 1st line of defense under challenging conditions

Dr. Johannes Dittrich, Chief Compliance Officer, Vitesco Technologies


10.00 – An Integrated GRC Approach and Mature Risk & Resilience Strategy

·        Develop a mature risk and resilience management capability aligned with strategy, performance and objectives

·        A framework, architecture and shared processes to manage risk and resilience, increase efficiencies and to be agile in responsiveness

·        Taking a risk-based approach to resilience and continuity of operations and services:  ongoing risk monitoring

·        Knowing your third-party relationships deeply to support a viable risk and resilience framework

·        Preparing a statutory resilience report

·        Watching for any material changes to your operational resilience

Thom Schiltmans, Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance, Corporate Security, Signify


10.40 – Implementing an Integrated Governance Model: A New Approach

·        Challenges and opportunities of having Ethics & Compliance (Corporate Integrity and Whistleblower Channel) and Internal Audit areas under the same structure

·        Necessary safeguards to ensure an integrated model that abides by the Three Lines principles

·        Making good use of valuable information, synergies and data analytics to boost your influence agenda

Guilherme Rios, Head of Audit & Compliance APAC & EME, Vale


11.20 – Morning Coffee and Networking


12.00 – A Compliance in the Spotlight: Strategies for Keeping Compliance Front & Center


Karin Griggel, Chief Compliance Officer, Linde

12.40 – Building a Risk Assessment Strategy: Case Study and Sustainability Perspective

·        Elevating Compliance Maturity through Risk Assessments

·        Creating a Fit-for-Purpose Risk Assessment Process

·        Identifying and Analyzing Sustainability Risks

Irina Barmina, Ethics & Compliance Director EUANZ, Reckitt

Ricardo Gomes, Ethics & Compliance Senior Counsel: Global ESG, Reckitt

13.10 – Lunch Break


14.10 – ESG Reporting and The Use of an ESG Materiality Assessment

·        Why you need an ESG Materiality Assessment: How it becomes a blueprint and business case for your group’s ESG strategy

·        Define the goals of the assessment, the outcomes and include your organisation’s corporate and ESG leadership

·        Identify the most important risks and opportunities for your organisation and ranking them by relative importance

·        Identify a range of stakeholders (board, investors, employees, vendors, NGOs, etc) and interviewing them to gain insights and tailor your communication strategy

·        Capturing long-term risks in advance & taking a proactive approach within your ESG strategy

Laura Sata-Leinonen, Head of Internal Control, Neste


14.50 – AI Governance and Ethics: a 5 Year Journey

·        How to start on the journey

·        Key requirements and things to look for

·        Challenges, hints and tricks

·        Leveraging AI within compliance

·        The impact of AI on compliance functions , different businesses and their business models

Susan du Becker, Director Risk & Compliance, Microsoft


15.30 – Sponsor Session

16.10 – Afternoon Coffee and Networking


16.50 – Addressing Conflicts of Interest

·        Cases of discovering conflicts of interest among employee hires, 3rd parties and strategic alliance partners

·        Implementing a conflict of interest disclosure system

·        Innovative ways to uncover bias in decision-making in the business that is driven by a conflict of interest

Dr. Nikolaj Laschko, Deputy Regional Chief Compliance Officer, Schaeffler


17.30 – Compliance Training Best Practices

·        From training needs to learning objectives leveraging data analytics

·        Learning how to best combine live and online compliance training,

·        Assessing effectiveness of compliance training.

Guillem Casoliva Cabana, Compliance Manager, Training & Education,


18.10 – Anti-Corruption Compliance as an Integral Part of ESG Reporting


Alexandra Levchenko, Acting Head of Compliance, DTEK Group


18.40 - Closing Remarks from the Chair and End of Day 1


(see agenda Day Two)  (Back to GRC EMEA Event Summary)