Agenda, October 17, 2024:      (back to GRC Engage Zurich Summary)

(time zone used is Central European Time)

08.30 – Registration and Coffee

09.00 – Opening Remarks from Event Chair

09.10 – From GRC to ERC - the Role of Ethics in an Integrated Governance, Risk & Compliance System

A holistic Governance, Risk and Compliance system in corporations is more needed than ever - but we also have to focus on the ethical climate in organizations and discuss tangible steps how to address ethical dilemmas and to create a speaking up culture

Elke Baumann, Global Head Ethics, Risk & Compliance Training & Development, Novartis 


09.50 – Addressing Conflicts of Interest

·        Cases of discovering conflicts of interest among employee

·        Implementing a conflict of interest disclosure procedure

·        Innovative ways to uncover bias in decision-making in the business that is driven by a conflict of interest

Sandrine Pommey, Group Compliance Officer, Hexagon AB


10.30 – Integrating ESG into Compliance and Risk (Fostering ESG into the Business)

·        Review the key ESG risk megatrends and sub-trends as data points. Which ESG frameworks to follow (UN, SASB, EU)

·        Looking for gaps in your existing risk inventory: reviewing current and future ESG issues as part of your ERM portfolio

·        Practical new KPIs that are well-suited to these difficult-to-measure risks

·        Incorporate effective governance structures to ensure that changing and new issues are addressed by your ERM and sustainability departments: Use a common language between ESG And ERM

Claudia ten Holder, Senior Director Compliance Global, Bruker


11.10 – Morning Coffee and Networking


11.40 - A Strong Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Strategy for the Current Times

·        Setting up a Quantitative risk function 

·        Comparison of forecasted risks with materialized events: biases and blind spots

·        Building resilience through active support to risk mitigation

Maya Wellig, Director, Head of Global Risk Management, Sunstar


12.20 – Behavior and Cultural Risk Management: “Soft” Governance

·        Understanding Soft Governance: Defining its role in enhancing traditional governance with a focus on behavioral and cultural risks

·        Exploring Risks: Discussing how individual behaviors and organizational culture impact risk management and decision-making

·        Practical Strategies: Offering strategies and examples for effectively managing cultural and behavioral risks

·        Integration and Impact: Outlining steps to integrate soft governance into existing frameworks and examining the challenges and opportunities it presents

Dr. Julia Wernicke, EU Privacy and Trade Compliance Lead, Berlin-Chemie Menarini


13.00 – Lunch


14.00 – How to Become a Data Driven Audit Function. The Approach of Group Audit in Zurich Insurance to Transform the Traditional Audit Approach


Cesar Souza, Group Audit Chief Operating Officer, Zurich Insurance


14.40 – Closer Collaborations between Compliance, Risk, Internal Control, and Internal Audit Functions in an Organization  

With a purpose to be more effective and (cost) efficient

Mark Jongejan, VP Group Internal Audit, Amcor


15.20 – Brief Afternoon Break


15.30 – Managing Compliance Risks within your Third Party Network in Challenging Parts of the World


Evelyne Trudeau, Senior Legal Counsel, MSC  Mediterranean Shipping Company


16.10 –  Elevating the Robustness of the Internal Control System and Risk Management to New Heights

Nicolas Riffard, Head of Global Assurance (Governance, Risk, Compliance) Oriflame Cosmetics


16.50 - Closing Remarks and End of Forum

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