Apply for a Free Ticket to Join this Benchmarking Event. This event has no sales pitches, only in-house benchmarking

Only senior corporate in-house attendees (from organisations with at least 500 employees) are able to attend this event.   

Advisors or Solution providers cannot join this particular event, and the event is not being recorded or live streamed.

Venue: 25hours Hotel Zürich West

MEET AND ENGAGE WITH OUR GUEST SPEAKERS: (View Full Agenda) (View Speaker Bios) (Download Agenda)

Elke Baumann, Global Head Ethics, Risk & Compliance Training & Development, Novartis

Cesar Souza, Head of Group Audit for Group Functions & Investment Management, Zurich Insurance

Nicolas Riffard, Head of Global Assurance (Governance, Risk, Compliance) Oriflame Cosmetics

Sandrine Pommey, Group Compliance Officer,                  Hexagon AB

Maya Wellig, Director, Head of Global Risk Management, Sunstar

Mark Jongejan, VP Group Internal Audit, Amcor

Dr. Julia Wernicke, EU Privacy and Trade Compliance Lead, Berlin-Chemie Menarini

Evelyne Trudeau, Senior Legal Counsel, a Major European Shipping Company (tbc)

Claudia ten Holder, Senior Director Compliance Global, Bruker

Key Topics: (View Full Agenda) (View Speaker Bios) (Download Agenda)

Amcor Closer Collaborations between Compliance, Risk, Internal Control, and Internal Audit Functions in an Organization  

Bruker Integrating ESG into Compliance and Risk (Fostering ESG into the Business)

Hexagon Addressing Conflicts of Interest

Sunstar A Strong Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Strategy for the Current Times

Berlin-Chemie Menarini Behavior and Cultural Risk Management: “Soft” Governance

Oriflame Cosmetics Elevating the Robustness of the Internal Control System and Risk Management to New Heights

Evelyne Trudeau Managing Compliance Risks within your Third Party Network in Challenging Parts of the World

Novartis From GRC to ERC - the Role of Ethics in an Integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance System

Zurich Insurance How to become a Data Driven Audit Function. The Approach of Group Audit in Zurich Insurance to Transform the Traditional Audit Approach

In Partnership with:

Lunch Break from our ASAP Strategic Alliance Summit in Geneva